Capri Island Tour

Dauer: 2 Stunden
Teilnehmerzahl 1 - 40 Personen
Von Sorrento
Tourengröße: 100
Nach Capri
Partite all'esplorazione dell'isola di Capri salendo sulla splendida motonave Delfino, alla scoperta dei punti iconici attorno all'isola, ovvero i Faraglioni, l'Arco Naturale, e tutte le grotte.
Una volta raggiunta l'isola potrete imbarcarvi sulla nostra Motonave Delfino, al molo 24, dove partirete alla scoperta dell'isola di Capri, esplorando le sue magnifiche acque e godendo di una privilegiata visita degli iconici Faraglioni, delle incredibili Grotte, e del suggestivo Arco Naturale.
Von / pro Person
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Wichtige Information
Im Preis enthalten
- Accommodation basing on twin-sharing with daily breakfast at 3* hotels.
- Private air-conditioned transfer.
- English or French-speaking guide service.
- Sightseeing, admission fees and entrance fees as specified.
- VAT and service charge.
Im Preis nicht enthalten
- All meals and beverage unspecified.
- Travel insurance.
- All of airfares, airport tax, visa fee
- Personal expenses, optional visit and other services unspecified
- Surcharge for special occasion, gala dinner on Christmas, New Year,…
Storno Regelung
- 7 days prior to departure date: 100% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any)
- 8-14 days prior to departure date: 50% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any)
- 15-29 days prior to departure date: 25% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund fee (if any)
- 30 or more days prior to departure date: 10% of reservation cost + 20% air - ticket refund (if any)